Custom Vintage Letterhead 2 - Free Printable

To receive AOTL Free Printable Custom Letterhead:
1. Please write a quick blog post with a link to Art of the Letter included, or add an AOTL button and link specifying Free Vintage Letterhead from Art of the Letter.
2. Specify the Letterhead number. The letterhead in this post is called Letterhead2. Previous versions of AOTL Letterhead can be found here.
3. Select the font for your text:

4. Select the color you want for your font:

6. Send an email to artoftheletter (at) with your text specifications and your blog link. Your email address is kept strictly confidential, used only to return email, and will never be revealed to any outside source.
Please allow 1-7 days for processing. The full page file will then be sent return email for you to save to your computer and print as you choose. I will be offering this free letterhead promotion for a limited time, whereafter only the letterheadx.jpg will be available. Any further requests will be considered with respect to currently running promotions.
If you use the image on your web page, please give me a shout out with a link. I would be thrilled to see any creative uses of this letterhead, and am happy to receive email any time.
This is great! I am hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway and would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!
Awesome post. Do you mind if I ask what your source is for this information?
Hello, My first collection of Free Art of the Letter Custom Vintage Letterhead was culled from an antique copyright-free publication, and all fonts are from free font websites like Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Complex Post. This enter helped me in my university assignment. Thanks Alot
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