Letters From Great-Grandmother

This letter was once held by Great-Grandmother's hands. The light scent of her lotion fading from these pages, though still evident, is feared to disappear. Her meticulous handwriting reveals the coordinated efforts of her heart and hand. Once arriving as faithfully as the rising sun, I am now at loss without her weekly handwritten letter. Evermore, will there be mere veteran issues to survey in these treasures, though rediscover I shall, this time, reading between every line. Eternally grateful, I will be, of the time she took to communicate her gentle spirit, revealing her thoughts and letting me know in a tangible way that I was cherished.
In Loving Memory of Grandma.
Tracey Elaine
The darling painting is named La Lettre by French painter Émile Munier (1840–1895)
This is so sweet and nostalgic. I love the art! Who wrote this? Thank you!
I'm excited to have your comment as my first. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment. I wrote it from the heart, and the gorgeous painting is just adorable, isn't it? I have reposted credits as due. Thanks again for visiting!
This is such a cute little site that takes me back to my letter writing days. I am a bit more than middle aged now and when I left home at a young age I moved across the country and away from everyone I knew and would write many many letters to stay in touch and pacify my home sickness. I would dash them off on cute stationary and mail them. After a few months I realized I was basically sending away my original diary. I decided to use carbon paper to save a copy, as I was writing about my day to day life with my new baby and husband. How much would my daughter like to see those now? I will have to look for those that I saved. But I have sent away so many with no copies. Thanks for the chance to express that.
What a beautiful site. I love writing letters! It is fast becoming a lost art. . (sadly). I have kept and cherished letters my father and my grandmother has written me. I keep those close to my heart. Love the picture, and the writings. Thank you for sharing. Karie
I love your blog! It's so wonderful to find that the art of letter writing is being cherished. Keep up the wonderful work.
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